Hello and welcome to Bookbot. This guide will be taking you through how to help your child personalise their Bookbot profile. That includes picking an avatar that your child likes and selecting a reading level that they feel is appropriate for them.
To start the personalisation of your child's profile, first click on the Bookbot sitting in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen of your device. You will notice 4 buttons will appear on your screen.
- The first button in the bottom of the screen is your change profile button. This allows you to navigate between multiple profiles without having to create separate accounts for each child's profile.
- The second button allows you to choose a different avatar for your child's profile.
- The third button allows you to change your child's reading level to either a much easier one or a more complex and challenging one.
The last and final button is the settings button. This allows you to make changes that pertain to the way that you use the app. Some of these changes include adding another child’s profile, changing your language settings so that you can read books in other languages, sharing the Bookbot app with friends and family and accessing our Scope and Sequence document that allows parents and teachers to have a more in-depth overview of Bookbot phonics leveling system.
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